Showcase Door County Virtual Home & Garden Tour

The Door County Home Builders Association (DCHBA) Board of Directors and the Tour Committee proudly present the Showcase Door County Virtual Home & Garden Tour!

It has been since 2019 that DCHBA has had an in-person Showcase of Homes and the last showcase was virtual in 2020.

To overcome several obstacles to having an in-person showcase as well as the timing of coordinating a simultaneous virtual show, the DCHBA Showcase committee is changing the game with a continuous, online showcase!

Builders and Associates can enter projects in the tour which maximizes the ability of DCHBA to feature you, the members. ALL our members.

DCHBA is ready to show off the homes, landscapes, hardscapes, and more that make Door County such a wonderful place in which to live, work, and play.

Read on to find out how you can get in on this unique opportunity!

Projects can be submitted by Builders and Associate members.

Builders and Associate members are eligible to submit projects from new home construction to landscaping and more. Entries are not limited to a new home build or remodel by a builder.

Projects can be submitted on your timeline.

You can submit your project when it is ready.

Submissions will be accepted year-round.

Door County Home Builders Projects

Door County Home Builders Projects Featured for a year

Projects will be featured for an entire year versus 1 or 2 weekends.

Your project will be featured on the DCHBA website for 12 months after the initial launch of your project.

Projects will be promoted using multiple avenues.

A marketing plan is in place to promote you and the Tour to targeted markets for maximum exposure! 

This includes plans for a brand-new website for the Tour’s initial launch!

Door County Home Builders Showcase Marketing

General Information

  • Tour applicant must be a member in good standing of the Door County Home Builders Association.
  • Projects must be located in Door County and be no older than three years.
  • Applicants can have as many projects as they wish in the Tour.
  • Subcontractors must be members in good standing of the Door County Home Builders Association to be listed on a Tour project.
  • Tour launch is planned for around July 2024, pending the submission and acceptance of at least five projects.
  • DCHBA has contracted with a prominent, Door County photographer/videographer to guarantee a polished, professional presentation of your projects.
  • An email capture function will be added so people will receive a notification when a new project is added to the Tour.


Contact any member of the Tour committee if you have any questions.